Breaking Protocol Bonus Episode: Being in Business Online as a Woman in Healthcare


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Listen in as 7 dynamic women in healthcare talk about what life and business was like before the Coronavirus and what it’s like now. How we got into blogging, being an online publicist, life and business coach, podcaster, owner of a global membership site, creator of a health coach certification, telehealth practice and more!

We also discuss how we create content, run our Facebook groups and pet peeves about social media and how people act online.

Get Unstoppable Success: How to FINALLY Create the Body, Business, & Lifestyle YOU WANT.

About TaVona Denise: Physical Therapist, turned life + business coach and Founder of the Thrive Network for Women in Healthcare who want to make more money & help more people on their own terms. The process of getting clear about the lifestyle you want and designing a business to support it starts with a single conversation.

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