Weight…It's Just a Number

Recently I posted my weight on Facebook not only because I was proud of what I had accomplished, but because I wanted to show other women that reaching a healthy weight is possible and that it doesn’t have to be a struggle.

I don’t know why I got the urge to get on the scale, but I decided to do it. The number was up about 3 pounds.  For the very first time in my life, I had no negative judgment about the number on the scale. It was what it was.  I had an awesome week!  I ate what my body needed, including fresh fruits and veggies and I moved my body in a way that made me feel good. The number did not say anything about my self-worth, my beauty, my intelligence, my ability to work hard, or my body’s ability to use calories in the form of energy.

It could have been the fact that I had some food that was a little more sodium-rich a couple of days prior. It could have meant any number of things physiologically, but it didn’t mean that I was a terrible person, that I did something wrong or that I needed to be “fixed”.  That was one of the biggest blessings I could have received from doing this work.


So I’ll ask you, what do you make the number on the scale mean?  And is it true?

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